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I like writing. I often think that I don’t do it very much, but as with most jobs that aren’t manual or vocational now, I spend a large part of my day writing emails. I try hard to write clearly and craft my email communications so they’re clear for my colleagues; it is pretty draining though.

For a while now I’ve been wanting to write for enjoyment, not for work. I’ve never really had enough self-discipline to properly commit to writing something substantial. I’d love to write a novel someday, but I’m under no illusions as to how much time, effort, persistance and skill is required to do that.

So instead, I’ll settle for a blog!

I might write a bit more about work and technical stuff at some point, but at least for now, I want to keep these articles from being completely dull. So I’ll kick off with some reviews of stuff that I’ve enjoyed recently.

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