Just enough about me
Hey, I’m Tom, a front-end web developer and accessibility specialist. I’m currently employed in the civil service.
Me and the web
Throughout the mid-2010’s, I became really invested in principle that the web is for everyone. I admired many of the principles being espoused by digital teams in UK Government, who spoke passionately about having a “mandate to serve everyone”. I held Government Digital Service in the highest regard, but never thought I’d be working in Government. Fast-forward to 2023 and I’m working with fantastic people in Government every day, helping them develop digital services that are accesible.
I read Tim Berners-Lee’s book on the creation of the web recently, and I feel quite engaged with the notion that we can all be content creators and information sharers. So even though almost no-one will ever get to this site (nevermind read its contents!) I think it’s important for me to have this space anyway. This is my bit of the web and I’m claiming it!
Design work
Over the years I’ve worked on hundreds of front-end dev projects for lots of different types of people and organisations, from small businesses and local charities, to publicly listed companies and national organisations.
I’d described myself as a frontend developer, but I’m probably happiest designing interfaces and solving problems. I love working on sites with long form text, like magazines or journals.
What else?
I spend some of my time watching movies, playing video games and vaguely following this year’s Formula 1 season.
Away from the screen, I have interests in road cycling, climbing and swimming.